Restoring the Family

Msgr. Henri Delassus, a 19th century counter-revolutionary author, repeatedly denounced the premises of globalization and the beginnings of a world government. He insisted that it was the spirit of the family in the home, society and State that could provide the greatest resistance to the anti-Christian conspiracy.
In this book, Dr. Marian Horvat translates excerpts from Msgr. Delassus' classic work, The Spirit of the Family. These include the authority of the father and the piety of the mother. Restoring the Family also discusses the importance of returning to tradition and maintaining a family patrimony.
To read an article on "Virtues & Traditions of a Healthy Family" by Msgr. Delassus, please click here.
As Restoring the Family demonstrates, the family has been replaced by the state in today's society. It is our desire to restore the basic unit of society - the family - to its former beauty and stability, with the mother as the heart of the home and the father as the head.
The Catholic Patriarchal Family
"The Catholic patriarchal family that formed the organic society of the past is the extended family. It begins with a strong basic unit committed to the Faith and Catholic principles, a place where so many young traditionalist families are starting today. The children marry and have their own children and live together or in the same general area. Then these marry and have their own families, and all remain united around the persons of the parents. During this organic process, the role of the father – who is now a grandfather and great-grandfather – grows and extends with the family as well. With the time that passes, the father becomes more respected, more consulted, more integral to the whole, which includes kin and members outside the immediate children and their children.
Often the children and the grand-children will take up either the same profession as the father, or one complementary to it. The knowledge of the father, his experiences and gifts are passed on, so to speak, through the generations, enriching not only the family but the village, the region, and sometimes even the country.
His honors of achievement, be he a dairy farmer, a carpenter, a doctor, or a politician, define and belong to the entire family. Thus, along time, the father becomes a kind of small feudal lord of his extended family that includes numerous kin and members. When you have a Catholic man like this and an extended family that meets around him, you have what I call a Catholic patriarchal family.
To be a member of such an organic and Catholic family is great blessing and offers tremendous stability to its members. Obviously, life in such a family is still not without sacrifice and suffering, but they are far outweighed by the joy, security and vitality the family unit provides."
- Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D.
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