Our Lady
of Good Success
It happened in this way. It was the year 1610. Mariana de Jesus Torres, who was then Abbess of the Convent and whose virtue was already well known, was distinguished for her devotion to the Virgin of Good Success.
One night in the upper choir, as Mariana was praying before Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, recommending her community to the Holy Virgin, she noticed a soft light that suddenly appeared in the air. Enveloped in it was the Mother of God accompanied by angels. In her left arm she carried the Divine Child.
Overcome with emotion, Mariana de Jesus knelt before Mary and, unable to restrain herself, she asked what the purpose of such a heavenly visit was. To this the Mother of God kindly responded: ‘I am Mary of Good Success, the one whom you have invoked with such tender affection. Your prayer has greatly pleased me. Your faith has brought me here. Your love has invited me to visit you.”
To read more about the origins behind the apparitions and miraculous statue of Our Lady of Good Success, click here.